After a first mission in 2019, six new dental surgery students from the French association “Give a smile back in Peru” conducted awareness-raising interventions with the beneficiaries of the Huchuy Yachaq social center during August 2022. Here is their mission report:
“Give a smile back in Peru is an association of dental surgery students in Rennes (Brittany, France) which carries out preventive actions in schools and orphanages in Peru in order to make the youngest aware of oral hygiene. For this edition, we are 6 students, from the 3rd to the 5th year of college, to be gone during this summer 2022.
In Cuzco, our association has been to the “Las Hormiguitas” school which is located in Santiago’s district, in Cuzco. Thanks to Marlene, the director of the social centre, we have built our intervention by talking regularly with her.
The goal of our mission was to make the children aware of oral and food hygiene. For that, we realized playful activities (sketch, song, coloring,…) and participative with the children in order to communicate with them and exchange.
The children, who were all curious about it, were between 3 and 6 years old.
Furthermore, thanks to Marlene’s contacts, we could go to two other school which are part to what we call “mobile libraries”. It means that it allows to the children to have access to the school, at any age because they travel from neighborhood to neighborhood in order to give lessons several times a week to the children.
We thanks a lot Marlene for here warm welcome, her kindness and of course to all of the people who manage these children.
It was a unique, unforgettable experience and a lot of beautiful encounters which will be in our memories forever. ¡Nos vemos pronto, tchao!”
Adèle, Audeline, Flavie, Laura, Lola, et Louisiane